With Ola Select, you enjoy a host of privileges such as no peak pricing on Prime & Mini rides, complimentary airport lounge access, priority booking allocation, Prime rides at mini fares and a whole lot more. Become an Ola Select member and the perks won’t end there!
And that’s not all! We are glad to bring you a flash sale offer for limited time only!
Benefits of Ola Select:
Terms and conditions:
- The validity of these will be same as the validity of the membership, i.e., someone who has bought 1 month membership will have the cashback voucher valid till 1 month. For 2 months membership buyer, the validity of the cashback code will be 2 months
- This flash sale offer is valid only for 2 days, i.e., 28th-29th March 2018
- Eligible users will be communicated about the code on 2nd April 2018
- Flash sale is valid only for users who do not have a live Select Membership currently
- Free ride code is in the form of Rs 100 cashback upon applying the coupon during the next rides