Lowest fares on Ola Outstation from Mumbai
Yes, we mean it! If you ever want to travel to Pune or Lonavala or Nashik from Mumbai with your gang, then go for an Ola Outstation without thinking. Because it will cost you less than all other rides and above it, you get a discount of Rs. 200. Offer code mentioned in the below table.
Route | Base fare | Driver allowance | Discount | Total Fare* | Offer code |
Mumbai to Pune | 1549 | 100 | 200 | 1449 | OLAMP |
Mumbai to Lonavala | 1499 | 100 | 200 | 1399 | OLAML |
Mumbai to Nashik | 1849 | 200 | 200 | 1849 | OLAMN |
So no more waiting. Only booking.
Terms and conditions:
- Offer valid only on first outstation booking
- Offer valid until 30th June 2018
- Offer valid only on the routes mentioned
- Ola reserves right to change, modify offer at any time
- Tolls & taxes not included in promo fare.
- Ola reserves the right to modify/withdraw this offer at its own discretion