Travel between Delhi and Haridwar at just Rs 2999* with Ola Outstation.
Looking for rides between Delhi and Haridwar? Now choose one-way packages on Ola Outstation and travel as low as Rs 2999*. Whether you need one of our plentiful Minis, our best-in-class Prime Sedans, or you’re taking a Prime SUV, we have you covered.
Use code OSNEWDH.
The benefits don’t end here:
- Instant Booking: Get a ride instantly or book up to 7 days in advance
- Roadside assistance: If your cab breaks down you’ll get a substitute ride.
- Safe Journey: Share ride status with your loved ones with the Track Ride feature. Or call our emergency response team by clicking the SOS button.
Go ahead, make the most of this deal.
Terms and Conditions:
- Valid on 1st Outstation booking only
- Base fares mentioned are for Mini category
- Offer valid for Ola Outstation ride between the 2 cities
- Code valid until 31st December
- Ola reserves right to modify/withdraw the offer at its own discretion