Offer KOL50
Terms and conditions
- Get 50% cashback, up to Rs 75!Use KOL50 on 3 Ola rides in Kolkata b/w 11am-5pm till 13th January 2017.
- Get up to Rs. 75 cashback on your Ola Money account that will be credited immediately.
- Remember to avail the offer, use the code on all 3 of the Ola rides taken.
Offer KOL33
Terms and conditions
- Get 33% cashback, up to Rs 50! Use KOL33 on 3 Ola rides in Kolkata till 13th January 2017.
- Get up to Rs. 50 cashback on your Ola Money account that will be credited immediately.
- Remember to avail the offer, use the code on all 3 of the Ola rides taken.
Offer KOL25
Terms and conditions
- Get 25% cashback, up to Rs 50!
- Use KOL25 on 3 Ola rides in Kolkata till 13th January 2017
- Get up to Rs. 50 cashback on your Ola Money account that will be credited immediately.
- Remember to avail the offer, use the code on all 3 of the Ola rides taken.