Offer code: 4PLUS2
- Offer details: Take 4 rides, get 2 free
- Validity: From 31st October to 6th November
- Free rides will be given only by 10th November 2016.
- Valid only on Micro/Mini/Prime cab rides in Chennai only.
- Valid only for users receiving communication from Ola.
- Ola reserves the right to withdraw/modify the offers at its own discretion.
Offer code: 3PLUS2
- Offer details: Take 3 rides and get 2 free
- Validity: From 31st October to 6th November
- Free rides will be given only by 10th November 2016.
- Valid only on Micro/Mini/Prime cab rides in Chennai only.
- Valid only for users receiving communication from Ola.
- Ola reserves the right to withdraw/modify the offers at its own discretion.
Offer code: CB50
- Offer details: Get Rs 50 cashback on 3 Micro/Mini/Prime rides
- Validity: From 31st October to 6th November
- Valid only on Micro/Mini/Prime rides in Chennai
- Valid only for users receiving communication from Ola.
- Ola reserves the right to withdraw/modify the offers at its own discretion.
Offer code: CHN50
- Offer details: Rs 50 off on 2 Mini/Prime rides
- Validity: From 31st October to 6th November
- Valid only on Mini/Prime rides and only in Chennai
- Valid only for users receiving communication from Ola.
- Ola reserves the right to withdraw/modify the offers at its own discretion.
Offer code: TAXI50
- Offer details: Rs 50 off on 3 Micro/Mini/Prime rides
- Validity: From 31st October to 6th November
- Valid only on Micro/Mini/Prime rides in Chennai
- Valid only for users receiving communication from Ola.
- Ola reserves the right to withdraw/modify the offers at its own discretion.
Offer code: CAB50
- Offer details: 25% or up to Rs 50 off on next 4 Micro/Mini/Prime rides
- Validity: From 31st October to 6th November
- Valid only on Micro/Mini/Prime rides only in Chennai
- Valid only for users receiving communication from Ola.
- Ola reserves the right to withdraw/modify the offers at its own discretion.
Offer code: CAB75
- Offer details: 33% or up to Rs 75 off on next 5 Micro/Mini/Prime rides
- Validity: From 31st October to 6th November
- Valid only on Micro/Mini/Prime rides only in Chennai
- Valid only for users receiving communication from Ola
- Ola reserves the right to withdraw/modify the offers at its own discretion.
Offer code: FIFTY50
- Offer details: 50% or up to Rs 75 off on next 3 Micro/Mini/Prime rides
- Validity: From 31st October to 6th November
- Valid only on Micro/Mini/Prime rides only in Chennai
- Valid only for users receiving communication from Ola
- Ola reserves the right to withdraw/modify the offers at its own discretion.
Offer code: WEEKEND50
- Offer details: Rs 50 off on 2 rides on Sat- Sun
- Validity: From 31st October to 6th November
- Valid only on Micro/Mini/Prime rides only in Chennai
- Valid only for users receiving communication from Ola
- Ola reserves the right to withdraw/modify the offers at its own discretion.
Offer code: FLAT100
- Offer details: Pay Rs. 100 on your next 3 rides 11:00 am – 5:00 pm on Micro/Mini/Prime
- Validity: From 31st October to 6th November
- Valid only on Micro/Mini/Prime rides only in Chennai
- Valid only for users receiving communication from Ola
- Ola reserves the right to withdraw/modify the offers at its own discretion.
Offer code: NA
- Offer details: Get 33% cash back on next 2 Share Rides.
- Valid only on any 2 Ola Share rides only in Chennai
- Validity: From 31st October to 6th November
- Free Rides and Share cash back will be given by 10th November 2016.
- Valid only for users receiving communication from Ola
- Ola reserves the right to withdraw/modify the offers at its own discretion.