Tag Archives: Bit Mesra

Ola Rentals launches new packages to the outskirts of the city.

Looking for the right ride to travel to the outskirts of the city? Then look no further, Ola Rentals is the right ride for you. Travel to Ratu Fun Castle, BIT Mesra and  Birsa Zoological Park in Ranchi with newly curated packages.

Please check out the following packages below.

Ratu Fun Castle


Category Micro Mini Prime
Base Fare (in Rs.)  800 900 1000
Inclusive Distance (in Km) 40 40 40
Inclusive Time (in  Hours) 5 5 5
Cost Per Extra Km (in Rs.)  6 9 12
Cost Per Extra Min (in Rs.)  2 2 2
BIT Mesra


Category Micro Mini Prime
Base Fare (in Rs.) 700 800 900
Inclusive Distance (in Km)  30 30 30
Inclusive Time (in Hours) 5 5 5
Cost Per Extra Km (in Rs.)  6 9 12
Cost Per Extra Min (in Rs.) 2 2 2
Birsa Zoological Park
Category Micro Mini Prime
Base Fare (in Rs.) 1100 1200 1400
Inclusive Distance (in Km) 70 70 70
Inclusive  Time (in Hours) 7 7 7
Cost Per Extra Km (in Rs.)  6 9 12
Cost Per Extra Min (in Rs.)  2 2 2


So next time you want to travel to these places, choose only Ola Rentals.

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