Ola Shuttle is becoming more and more people’s’ favourite way to travel to their office and here’s a reason to make it your favourite too. Now, as you complete 4 rides with Ola Shuttle, you get 1 ride absolutely free!
It’s simple:
Complete 4 Ola Shuttle rides in a week
Use code 5THFREE on your fifth Shuttle ride in the same week to make it free.
Get started already!
Ola Shuttle makes your office travel economical and awesome with fixed fares, no hidden charges, together with Wi-Fi, Air Conditioning and In-Shuttle Entertainment!
Terms and Conditions:
- Coupon has to be applied for 5th ride
- User has to take minimum 4 rides in the week when she/he is using the coupon
- Update Ola App to ensure coupon success
- Ola reserves the right to modify/withdraw the offer at its sole discretion.
- Offer applicable only in Delhi and Bangalore.