Tag Archives: RAW

Presenting Heroes of Ola season 2 in association with RAW

Last year, we introduced Heroes of Ola, where you got to see the outstanding acts of heroism, compassion, and presence-of-mind of our driver partners. This year, we bring to you Heroes of Ola, season 2 in association with RAW – Romeo Akbar Walter.

Season 2 of the show brings to you more unique stories about our unsung heroes – selfless driver partners going beyond their call of duty to show acts of compassion, humanity and generosity that saved the day.

What better way to introduce season 2 of Heroes of Ola than partnering with the makers of RAW – Romeo Akbar Walter! The movie tells us the story of an unsung hero who operates behind enemy lines to protect his motherland. It’s a tribute to all the brave men and women often just known as ‘spies’.

Courage, honesty and humanity are common between the men in both the stories.

Have a look at what the film’s lead actor John Abraham has to say about it.

Tune in to YouTube to watch season 2 of Heroes of Ola today.